Sunday 25 April 2010

Relaxation in the sun - pah!

So that's my relaxation in the sun out the window then! Where is it?! Never mind. All is not lost as I was contemplating sorting out the mess of out of shape, half blond hair on my head. Sitting in the hairdressers on a warm sunny day seems like such a waste but I think now it's the order of the day.

I will try to stay out of the shops and remind myself that this is part of my sorting my life out plan since "coming out" (my way of describing telling my family I have OCD) in November last year. With this in mind I will try to ignore the fab turquoise necklace which keeps speaking to me (I don't mean literally - I am not completely mad). You see I used to spend money to make myself happy. Now I am much happier since "coming out" I have no excuse - only weakness! I'm actually trying to sell stuff on eBay. Good way of making some of the money back on the useless stuff I bought. Hurray for eBay.

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